We inspire significant change as it relates to policy, equality, and society.
--NAWBO Creed #4
Current Advocacy Initiatives

SB 826: Women on Boards
NAWBO OC endorses and actively works to support the passing of SB 826: Women on Boards that would require publicly-traded companies in California to have at least one woman on their board of directors.

Procurement and Standardization of Certification
NAWBO OC is studying the potential for streamlining the certification process for women-owned businesses to help more women obtain State and local government contracts.

Take Action
Why We Advocate
Women's entrepreneurship has been on the rise over the past two decades. We are starting new businesses at 2.5 times the national average. We have come a long way, and we have a lot to celebrate.
Number of U.S. firms owned by women
% growth of women-owned firms since 1997
% growth of all firms since 1997
We also understand how much more work there is to do to achieve parity. Women entrepreneurs make up 39% of all U.S. firms, and yet we contribute only 4.2% of business revenues and 8% of total private sector employment.
% of U.S. firms owned by women
% share of private sector employment
% share of revenues
Steps to Advocacy
Find Your Legislators
Look up your legislators and learn about how to contact them, bills they've introduced, committees they serve on, and political contributions they've received.
Get Educated
NAWBO is rooted in bi-partisanship. It advocates on behalf of women business owners on issues that affect women-owned and small business.
Contact Your Legislators
Establishing a relationship with your local legislators is important and rewarding. They need our help understanding the issues - and they will view you as an expert resource.
NAWBO was founded in 1975 to open doors for women entrepreneurs by transforming public policy and influencing opinion makers. In the beginning, there were twelve women business owners who met informally in the D.C. area to share information about federal contracts, access to capital, and other issues related to their businesses.
NAWBO has continued to represent the issues and concerns of small and women-owned businesses at the national and state levels. Through Congressional testimony, public policy conferences, and member education, NAWBO has been at the forefront of advocacy on behalf of women business owners and the issues that impact their companies.
Join with NAWBO to represent the interests of the fastest growing segment of the economy.